Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dogs vs. Wild

Ever since we moved to Oregon the dogs have been introduced to the most amazing array of animal life. First, it was the squirrels. The first year we lived here, Lily couldn't get enough of the squirrels. She eventually caught and killed one, than lost interest. When we moved into the new house, she discovered the deer. She knows where they are and barks at them even when we can't see them. Most recently, she discovered moles. We have one particular mole that is tearing up our front yard that she hunts on a regular basis. She even caught him about a month ago, but Matt was able to save him before she ended his little life. Trudy, for the first time, discovered her very own animal friend, the opossum you see pictured below. The opossum was little and frightened and Trudy didn't harm her, but Trudy made sure we (and the entire neighborhood) knew that something was invading her yard. Pretty good for a deaf and blind dog!

Sami the Squirrel can be seen on the left hand banister

Mama and baby deer

Lily hunting the mole lovingly name Townsend (notice how dirty her little nose is!)

Angry little Olga the Opossum

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Not Really An Update

Life in our household has been quiet since I returned to work. The "kids" are adjusting to the new schedule but their parents are having a harder time of it. Dishes are piling up in the sink, laundry needs to be done, hair balls are accumulating on the hardwood floors and dinner is usually cereal or something microwavable. We are slowly finding our groove and breaking the chores up between the two of us. Weekends are busy with household matters and running errands. It has been so long since I worked full-time and maintained a home that I had forgotten how much there is to do and how little time to do it in. ;-)

Work is going well. The first few weeks were really trying, I was stressed out and everyone (myself included) was having a hard time adjusting from being a volunteer to a staff member. Champoeg was also taking up much of my "evening" time and I really don't know how I made it through in one piece. Things are slowing down and I am getting the hang of my job. I owe much thanks to my docent friends at Evergreen who have gone out with me on several outreach events to help me!