Monday, November 22, 2010

Grad Check

I am about half way through my grad check process and so far, so good. Everything appears to be in order.

The process:
1. See graduation coordinator
2. Get charged $35 (because tuition just isn't enough!!!)
3. See Minor advisor
4. See Major advisor
5. Return paperwork to graduation coordinator
6. Graduate in May 2011

Almost there.....

Friday, November 5, 2010

Election Party 2010

My sis accompanied me to an election night party this past Tuesday. I was pleasantly surprised she agreed to join me since politics isn't really her thing, but I think she may be coming around! We were thoroughly entertained by the crowd and their reactions to the poll numbers coming in. We left a little early when we realized that some of our local races were going to be too close to call.

It was crazy fun, and I don't regret it, although I am paying the price now for fraternizing with my fellow people, I have a 101.4 fever.

Jesse Kelly

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Costumes 2010

Lily and Trudy got new Halloween costumes this year. In case the pictures are not sufficient, Lily was a cow and Trudy was a bumblebee. We took them for a Halloween eve walk and they had a great time, although no one saw them because trick-or-treating was virtually non-existent in our neighborhood.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

So Much For Free Thinking

I came across this communication the other day and was mortified. I hope you too will find this as repulsive as I do. I fully support everyone voluntarily going to vote, I am disgusted however by the thinly veiled attempt by a company to coerce its employees into voting for what it thinks is best. I also seriously doubt anyone was asking for the owner's opinion. Finally, way to go with the bipartisanship! Voting Republican down the board sure did take a lot of effort!!!

"As a reminder, Election Day is Tuesday, November 2nd. Voting is our opportunity to have a voice in our local, state, and federal government. We encourage everyone to exercise the right to vote. The polls are open from 6am to 7pm. Poll locations can be found at:
Many folks have asked 'enter name of owner here' for 'his/her' stance on the candidates and propositions. While everyone should research the issues and candidates themselves, in an effort to assist those who are interested, 'enter name of owner here' is willing to share 'his/her' voting with you as follows:

United States Senator: John McCain
US Representative: Jesse Kelly

Governor: Jan Brewer

State Senator, Dist 28: Greg Krino

State Rep, Dist 28: Ken Smalley
Attorney General: Tom Horne

State Treasurer: Doug Ducey

Superintendent of Public Instruction: John Huppenthal

State Mine Inspecctor: Joe Hart

Corporation Commissioner: Brenda Burns and Gary Pierce

Clerk of the Superior Court: Patti Noland

Constable, Justice Precinct 5: Margaret Cummings

Arizona Supreme Court: Yes

Superior court: Yes to all

Prop 106: Yes

Prop 107: Yes

Prop 109: Yes

Prop 110: Yes

Prop 111: Yes

Prop 112: Yes

Prop 113: Yes

Prop 203: No

Prop 301: Yes

Prop 302: Yes

Prop 400: No

Prop 401: Yes

Prop 402: Yes

Thank You!"