Friday, September 19, 2008

Murphy's Law is so Accurate it Hurts

I left home at 7:30 am to attend my 8:00 class.  It was a lab so we are required to wear closed toe shoes and long pants to protect our legs and feet from glass, chemicals, etc.  Class went fine, even got some homework out of the way.

Right after class I studied for two more hours for my OCHM test, grabbed an expensive and thoroughly disgusting bite to eat at the Student Union and proceeded to OCHM.  I took the test which was massively difficult and stressful, but I don't think I failed.

Immediately following I went to Calculus II to get my test and attend lecture.  This is where things took a nose dive.  My teacher made us aware that anyone getting a D or lower on the test should drop the class immediately since there would be zero chance of getting a passing grade by the end of the semester.  I, sadly, was in the bracket.  

BUT...there was still hope.  If enough people in the class did badly than maybe he would curve the grades. HE DOESN'T CURVE...EVER!  

I felt like someone punched me in the gut.  I had just gotten past the point of suicide and convinced myself that things were going to be okay.  I guess they aren't.  Regardless of the fact that I know the material and would probably be fine to continue the class, the grade was so bad that there was no chance of recovery.  I was forced to drop the class since today is the drop deadline and I will have to retake the class next semester.  What a hit to my self esteem and my long term goals!  This sets me back considerably.

So I proceeded, defeated and stunned, to my bicycle to ride home and drown my sorrows in "no-bake" cookies when I noticed that I had a flat tire. So...I proceeded yet again, defeated, stunned, and a tad bit ticked, to walk my bicycle home in the heat, wearing jeans and boots, with 25 pounds (no joke) of chemistry books on my back.  Luckily Matthew was able to pick me and Allura up about half way home.

Now I sit here, stinky and exhausted, hoping that some of this will appear funny to me tomorrow.  Here's to hoping!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

My First Test at the U of A....

....and I failed.  I can't tell you how upset I am.  Of course, this was Calculus II, the class I knew that I would have to study the hardest for and get the most help.  So, I studied, I did the homework, and I studied some more, Matt and I worked on these problems almost every night.  

I walked into the test yesterday, took one look at the test and said "YES!".  I have seen every single one of these problems before and I know how to solve them.  

And mind went blank.  I couldn't think, I couldn't breath, I couldn't do anything but almost cry.  I knew how to solve them but I can't get my brain to communicate with my hand. So in 50 minutes I ended up turning in the test with exactly one problem (out 4) completed.

Now, I somehow have to pick myself up and try to study and pass two more tests in the next 24 hours but I can't do it.  I am so bummed...I worked so hard and it didn't matter.  I invested so much time and it didn't matter.  To use one of my Dad's colorful euphemisms, I choked.  And I am so devastated about it.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The University of Arizona

I know a few of you have been waiting for an update about school.  Of course that is an interesting conundrum since 99% of my time is now spent doing homework or studying for a test and I have 1% of my remaining time to eat, sleep, blog, and be with my hubby.

What is bad about the U of A?  

1. Well, it isn't much different than Pima except that it is MUCH bigger.  There are people, literally, everywhere.  

2. When riding your bike, pedestrians insist on standing, sitting, lollygagging or simply blocking the bike lanes.

3. When you are a pedestrian, the bicyclists will literally run you down and kill you.

4. Monsoon season is awesome until you have to ride home in it, or better yet ride to school in it.  There is nothing worse than sitting through 3 air conditioned lectures when you are soaked to the bone.

5. Grabbing a bite to eat takes an hour, 55 minutes waiting in line and 5 minutes to swallow it on the way to your next class.

6. The professors simply don't give a damn.  Come, don't come, do the work, or don't.  It is all the same to them.  At least at Pima they pretended to care.

7. Sorority girls and Fraternity boys annoy me to such an extreme I may have to start taking hostages.

What is good about the U of A?

1. I have been accepted to the Honors college and they are accepting me as a Junior which will make graduating with honors an attainable goal.

2. I will most certainly lose weight since I bike an average of 15 miles per week and Matt and I are swimming at the UA Rec center 3 times a week.

3. There is more anonymity and people (generally) don't recognize or know me.

4. We are saving a ton of dough now that Matt is taking the Hyundai to work and I bike everywhere I need to go.

5. My CatCard gets me discounts almost everywhere...again saving money.  Nothing I like better!

6. I get to listen to my iPod everyday.  It is no longer a really expensive solitaire machine but an actual product I use everyday.

7. If nothing else, at the end of the day I can say I am a WILDCAT!

My Classes:

Chemistry Discussion Hour
Organic Chemistry Lecture
Calculus II

Organic Chemistry Lab
Molecular and Cellular Biology Lecture

Organic Chemistry Lecture
Calculus II

Molecular and Cellular Biology Lecture
Molecular and Cellular Biology Lecture (HONORS)

Molecular and Cellular Biology Lab
Organic Chemistry Lecture
Calculus II
Alright everyone, that is all the typing I can tolerate for one day.  I have spent more hours at this computer today than I care to think about.  Will write again soon when something interesting or amazing happens!