Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Archaeological Dig: Week 6

This was a very interesting week on the dig with several amazing discoveries (not mine, however)! 


Another intact bottle, but not alcohol this time. I think it might have held olive oil since it has a pour spout. The others think it is an ink bottle, but I disagree with that wholeheartedly because I worked with ink bottles from this period of time while at ASM and we never saw glass ones like this.

A ball button: traditionally worn on West Point uniforms, even to this day.

It was media week at Fort Yamhill, here are some links:

What is interesting about field school is how nice everyone is to one another for the first 4-5 weeks, but come week 6 -- well, as the temperatures rose, so did tempers. People weren't getting along very well this week, so when I got an opportunity to go to Champoeg State Park, I took it!

Champoeg Pics: 

Last year, right at the end of the field season, the crew discovered what they thought was a root cellar. So this year they decided to explore further. The hole just kept going, so they threw out the root cellar idea for a well. This "well" is full of bricks! We got down to about 2-3 meters (9-10 feet) in the ground before the dig was called off for safety reasons. We still have no idea if it is a well or simply a hole in the ground to bury the bricks. We may never know??

Lots and lots of bricks!!!!

And last but certainly not least, I injured myself. NOT AT THE DIG, but at home. I missed the step coming in from the garage (in the dark) and whacked my hand hard on the door in an attempt to break my fall. I have an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow since it is swollen and I can't move my pinky or ring finger very well. This may have ended my archaeological experience prematurely, so send good thoughts my way that I will be able to handle a trowel and shovel sometime very soon!

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