Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pretty in Pink

I saw the orthopedic specialist yesterday and after running several more x-rays this is what he had to say --

Me: So, can you throw a removable splint on it?

Doc: No, due to the nature if the spiral fracture and the fact that it is extremely unstable, you will need a cast.

Me: So, how quickly can you throw a removable splint on it?

Doc: Ummm, no. You need a cast.

Me: So, you're saying the removable splint is on its way?

Doc: You're very lucky you aren't getting surgery. Choose a color because you are getting a cast. 

Me:  Oh, I understand, the lady next door will get me that removable splint.

Doc: See you in a week for a follow-up and again in 3 more weeks for another follow-up.

Hubby and the group from the dig signed it today

Check out my kick-ass Danner boots. They are zombie apocalypse approved!

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