A couple weeks back I was listening to a science fiction podcast. The guest and his hosts were discussing the new J.J. Abrams version of Star Trek and the subsequent release on Blu Ray. They were raving about how fantastic it looked and all the special features that were included with this version.
That same day I told hubby that I thought it was time to invest in a Blu Ray player and that if we happened to buy Star Trek, that would be cool.
Approximately a week later, hubby surprised me with both the Blu Ray player and Star Trek movie. I was so happy that I put my homework to the side and spent a nice, quiet evening snuggled next to hubby on the couch watching the new movie.
very next day my iPod either got stolen or dropped out of my backpack at school.
This just goes to show that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!
I checked the lost and found, put my name on every list, even filed a police report with UAPD, but so far, nothing. I had initially held out hope that someone would return it, but iPod's aren't exactly something people give back. Maybe someday it will turn up but for now there is some college kid walking around campus with a pink iPod engraved
with my name on it and has my wedding pictures on it. I hope they can sleep at night.
I guess one good thing that came out of this is that now that I don't have an iPod, I don't have to worry about all the problems the new iTunes has caused.