Monday, June 14, 2010

Difficulty Adjusting

I was so excited to go to Disneyland that it was my one singular focus for weeks. Now that I am home I am having a very hard time adjusting, not due to churro detox or coming down from ride-induced adrenaline but because of the weather. The weather in Southern California is amazing!

While in California:
I didn't sneeze one single time.
I didn't suffer from a single bloody nose.
I applied chapstick to protect my lips from the sun, not from the air.
My hair was soft and silky, not dry and brittle (and it curled).
I didn't have to apply lotion to my arms and legs 15 times a day.
I could breathe easy without the assistance of medication.

My one singular focus now is figuring out a way to get back to California as soon as possible. I cannot stand being in Tucson for one more excruciatingly hot, summer day.

As my sister quoted from the movie "Away We Go" about Tucson: "Yeah, its pretty hot. No, no, I mean literally like an oven. It's almost like God is trying to melt us all down and make something better."

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