Monday, August 12, 2019

Lily's Quinceanera

Lily turned 15 on August 8th and in honor of this special moment we threw her a quinceanera on the following Saturday! A birthday party for our dog, you might ask yourself? Absolutely! If you can't throw a party for your dog in Portland than what can you do?

I spent weeks preparing, coordinating, designing and making the decorations for her party. It was an absolute blast and the closest I will ever get to throwing a princess party for a daughter.

Side note: this party took place on the new cedar deck that M built. More pictures and details on that are forthcoming...

 I made the table skirt from pink and white tulle.

The pom poms on the trees were made by me using tissue paper.

I made the "L" and the banner on the wall, the other items were purchased.

The chiminea worked out very well on a cool Oregon evening.

I bought Lily's cake from a local dog-friendly baker.
I was so happy with how it turned out!

No party is complete without a human cake from Costco

Lily was such an amazing sport about the whole evening. We had about 15 people over, including babies and kids, and she did a great job of not being scared and going in the house when she needed a break. Her new sparkly, pink necklace is from her Auntie who regretfully couldn't attend. She loved the cake but we only fed her the top for now, we'll divvy up the remainder this week.

Guys, there was so much whiskey. 
Too much whiskey.
We had a whiskey tasting tour of Scotland, all 6 regions of Scotch were represented, plus there was bourbon and Irish.

Overall, I think the night went very well. People seemed happy and full from all the food. I wish I had taken more pictures and gotten more time to spend with each person. Being hostess is always tricky and the party always goes by 10 times faster than it took to arrange. 😂 Lily was a spoiled old lady and hopefully she understood, in her own way, how much she is loved!

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