We have been in our Rita Ranch home for 3 years but with my impending transfer to the U of A, it was time to make a change. After looking at some real crap-hole houses over the past couple months in the university area, we finally were able to find a nice 1350 square foot home with a block wall around the backyard for the dogs. We originally were turned down for this house because we have Piper (the cat) but after a week and the previous people backing out at the last minute because they couldn't afford the deposit, the landlords gave us a call and agreed to rent us the house.
The new place is at Grant and 1st Avenue, not the greatest part of town, but according to TPD's website, not any worse than where we are at. It is about a mile and a half to the U of A which seems like a feasible distance to bike. It sure beats fighting for parking and paying for a parking permit. It will also put Matt much closer to work and hopefully cut his commute time from 2 hours per day to 45 minutes total. Another plus is that it is close to the Sausage Deli (and a ton of other places) which is absolutely wonderful.
Matt and I are a combination of excited and stressed...we are going to be so happy saving time and money but the next three weeks are going to be difficult and strenuous, in addition I start school on Tuesday which will greatly limit the time I have to pack and prepare. At least this is happening at the beginning of the semester and not at the end during finals.
One minor set back was that we didn't get the call from the new landlords until after I had registered for my last semester at Pima...East Campus. So, for one semester I will be commuting from Central Tucson to the East side. On the other hand, I am required to take a transfer course called STU 210 and half of those classes are held at the university. Awesome!
As for my final grades from Fall 2007 they are listed below:
Sociology A
Trigonometry A
Chemistry A
Literature A
I honest to God have no idea how the A in both Trig and Chem took place since I know I earned B's, must have been a curve situation. I'll take it!
This semester looks like this:
Astronomy East Campus
Astronomy Lab East Campus
Calculus I East Campus
Chemistry w/Lab Desert Vista Campus
STU 210 East Campus/ U of A
I am finally getting excited about going to the U, it has taken awhile but I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am almost done with Pima!!!!!! I think it will be even more real in February when I attend the awards ceremony for my scholarship. When I get more info on that I will let you all know.
Alright, gotta run, Arizona basketball is on in a couple hours and I have chores to do!
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