First and foremost, our seats were awesome! We were four rows away from the symphony! The PBS documentary honestly couldn't give this event justice! Nothing can prepare you for the vibrations in your chest as the live symphony plays the opening theme to Star Wars (they even included the THX sound effect and the 20th Century Fox theme). They included music from all 6 movies and the video scenes were all mixed up but with a central theme, for instance, there was an entire video/musical section dedicated to the droids. They played almost all of the more famous compositions, including the Imperial March. I have seen Star Wars hundreds of times but this was as close to seeing it for the first time you can get! I cannot exclaim enough how awesome it is to hear in person and live!! The very best moment, however, was when Anthony Daniels (C3PO) came out for the first time to narrate the event!
Now, I wouldn't be me unless I pointed out some of the more disappointing moments of the night: first, the symphony did not include the music from Return of the Jedi when Luke and Vader are fighting and the Ewok celebration music from the end, both of which are Hubby and I's favorites, respectively. Secondly, the children, oh god, the children! It never ceases to amaze me how many children are allowed (by their parents) to run rampant in public with no concern for other people. I also had a small child sitting to my left who was very sick and coughed throughout the entire evening. I beg all you parents (or potential parents) out there, leave your sick and unruly kids at home, it is the healthy and courteous thing to do.