Matthew had another doctor's appointment this morning. This time it was to take a look at his right foot. The MRI report indicated that he has 3 stress fractures. Two are in the first metatarsal (the bone below the big toe), and one more in the bone above that (closer to his ankle). There is also significant swelling and edemas near the first metatarsal and ligament damage, although not serious enough for surgery. He also is experiencing numbness in his left big toe but still maintains full functionality. The doctor speculates that with time this will heal, but he may never regain feeling back.
The doctor has prescribed 6 more weeks of rest and than a follow-up appointment in May. After that, as long as he is continuing to improve, he can begin running and exercising again. No formal physical therapy is needed during this 6 week period.
We are still fighting the insurance company (TriWest) who keeps denying our claims despite having pre-approval.
The x-rays still haven't arrived from Quantico.
We received our second and final payment from the Marine Corp for "disability". We are (hopefully) rounding the bend with all this government nonsense. Matthew is back to work so we and the military are itching to part ways!

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