Monday, July 8, 2019

Knitting: Light Box

Matt bought me a very nice camera for my birthday and I have been having a great time figuring it out and trying to create the best shots possible. Overwhelmingly, I noticed that serious photographers have a lightbox for shooting smaller objects. I decide to make one myself because I am frugal and refuse to pay big money for something I could easily make myself. This light box cost me a couple of bucks of dollar store foam board that I cut and taped to form the box. The lights I got at Walmart for $16 and I installed pure white lightbulbs from Home Deport for another $5.

I didn't have a completed knitting project so I tested it with a whisky bottle.
Glass is notoriously difficult to photograph and I was very happy with the results.

The baby blanket I knitted for Julian in Texas is on the left (the photo came out darker than I wanted and I am still not sure why) and the scarf I knitted for Matt from wool we picked up in Scotland is on the right. 

I just completed this scarf a few days ago for a friend and I will be giving it to her next month for her birthday. This is also Scottish wool from Scotland.

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