Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Teeny, Tiny House: Dishwasher

One of the almost deal breakers for me when we bought this house was the fact that it didn't have a dishwasher. I had never lived without one (yes, first world problems) and I wasn't sure how I would adjust to doing them all by hand. I have to say that of all the chores, this one grated on me the most. Despite the lovely view, I simply hated spending 20-30 minutes every. single. day. doing dishes.

When we redesigned the kitchen and moved the refrigerator, the plan had always been to put in a dishwasher where the fridge used to be. Easier said than done, as new electrical and plumbing were needed before this could become a reality. Matt bought the dishwasher and it sat in the box in the garage for quite awhile before he had time to complete this task, but complete it he DID!

Here's the finished product:

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