My hubby spoils me rotten on a regular basis but he really outdid himself this time. For my graduation gift he purchased for me a brand new computer.

Her specs are as follows:
27 inch display
3.4 GHz Quad Core Intel Core i7 processor
8 GB of ram
2 TB hard drive
AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2 GB graphics card
I haven't had much time to use her yet, but she is amazing!
sooo... you going to boot camp that?
Yes, boot camp is in the foreseeable future because I have the entire Sims collection which I don't want to repurchase for the Mac. :)
If you do boot camp at least buy a full version of Windows (not OEM) so you can suck up the partition into VMware (the one thing I wish I had done with my first mac).
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